Analog Thoughts on a Digital Age

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Worst-Case Scenario...

Ever wondered what you would do in case your parachute failed to open during your routine weekly sky jump? Lets say you rode Cebu Pacific on the way to your lola's birthday when..shucks! The pilot choked on an airline peanut and passed out leaving the crucial task of landing to YOU!!! Lets say you were able to successfully crash-land the plane on the waters between Masbate and the Sibuyan Islands, you swim (or float), awaiting the next thing that flies accross the sky to signal for help, then suddenly....SHARK ATTACK!!! All of this during a nasty rainstorm with thunder and the open ocean.

My favorite Worst-Case Scenario is "Wrestling free from an Alligator".

Click on the image for more fun "Worst-Case Scenarios"!


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